Sunday, February 22, 2009


gossip is the worst thing in the world it breaks people apart and is the sadest way to get attention. if you are spreading shit u don't know stop it what is going on with other peple isn't your buisness, you are just creating more shit to deal with.

i hate some people like honestly if i could speak my mine freely i don't thik u would wanna hear what i had to say lol it would be terriabl;e and something along the lines of dieing and fire ......... fuck i just wish some people would leave the face of this earth

I did it btw... it didn't hurt untill i had been doing it for like 10 min.... it turned red are started to swell....i didn't feel any great comfort while doing it though is that wrong? should i have? what am i doing wrong? shit if anyone knows let me know... i need to do something to help me get over this shit.... i didn't want to do it.. to hurt myself... but i did i felt like i needed to things are just so bad... no one gets it or understands..... it is hard to explain and no one cares.... i need help

btw i just found out that my nana has breask cancer as well this weekend wow things have sure be a great big load of happy this weekend

the only good thing is that my team (4th pace) beat the 1st place team in hockey

i need help this shit is teatring my body limb from limb it hurts and i need it to stop so just STOP STOP ........STOP MAKE THIS GO AWAY... STOP....................... STOP.... STOP HURTING ME I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE... I AM SLOWLY DIEING AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ........HELP .......HELP!!!!!!!!!!


  1. what did u do to yourself???
    did u cut?
    are you ok???
    i am worried about you!
    you say that things are so messed and that nobody cares or understands but I am here!!!
    you can trust me!
    m u need to stop!
    and talk to somebody!
    it doesn't have to be me.
    i understand if u don't want it to be me!

    We love you m.

  2. yeah we really do...
    your my best friend and i dont want to see you get hurt.
    i know ive done shit before too...
    and the whole safety pin thing...
    but please talk to me.
    i wont be a hypocrite about it.
    and i know i cant understand any of this but i can try...
    im sorry babe.
    please talk to us.
    we do love you.

  3. ok so.
    i sent u an email.
    and what i ment by tell someone.
    i just mean. get help
    i don't mean u have to tell your parents or something.
    and i am not going to tell yr parents or mine. i just mean in the long run. If you are not feeling better. then i might have to tell someone. but i just want you to be happy:D
    love you
